Our Strength and Impact 我們的實力與影響力
We measure our impact through the actual work we do: Helping people achieve their goals, protect their families, and set a path for financial security. Here’s how we’ve made a difference in our own communities.
Number of Policyholders + Clients1 保單持有人與客戶的數量¹ 137,612
Life Insurance coverage in force2 有效人壽保險的保單總額² $42,553,408,854
Client policy, contract, and 客戶保單,合同以及各類賬戶的總價值³ $8,719,659,800
Dividends to eligible participating whole life 向合資格的終身壽險保單持有人分發的紅利4 $90,256,752
LifeBridge (cumulative) coverage in force5 有效的慈善LifeBridge計劃累積承保總額5 $36,100,000 |
1 An insured, owner, or payer of a MassMutual policy or contract.
2 Amount of individual life insurance in force as of 12/31/22 related to products issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life Insurance Company and MML Bay State Life Insurance Company.
3 Includes values of MassMutual and subsidiary insurance companies’ insurance and retirement products and investment products offered through MML Investor Services, LLC, a MassMutual subsidiary.
4 The account of dividends to eligible participating whole life policyowners in 2022. Dividends are not guaranteed.
5 Amount of cumulative LifeBridge coverage in force through 12/31/22. MassMutual’s LifeBridgeSM program provides free, $50,000 ten-year term life insurance policies to eligible parents and legal guardians. MassMutual pays the premiums. LifeBridge is an education-focused, community service program providing free life insurance to working families who may not be able to afford life insurance.
*Graphs, numbers and amounts are subject to change on an annual basis.
1 MassMutual保單或合同的被保人,持有人或付款人。
2統計截至於2022年12月31日-所有有效人壽保險保單總額。保險產品出自於Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance company及其子公司C.M.人壽保險公司和MML Bay State人壽保險公司。
3統計數據包括MassMutual與其子公司以及MML Investor Services,LLC提供的保險和退休以及投資產品的價值。
5累積截至與2022年12月31日有效的LifeBridge慈善計劃承保總額。MassMutual的LifeBridgeSM計劃向符合條件的父母和法定監護人免費提供5萬美元身故賠償金的十年期定期人壽保險。 MassMutual支付保費。 LifeBridge是一項以教育為重點的社區服務計劃,向無法購買或負擔人壽保險費用的在職家庭提供免費人壽保險。
(source: COR3731 MM202602-304293)